Saturday, 26 May 2012

I'm not a papercrafter but...

…I am a thrifty stitcher, which is where the inspiration for this came from.

Plastics storage box - baby bath  hamper
Sturdy baby bath box about to be repurposed

This was a box of baby samples. It was a free offer, and comes with an inner tray that makes it perfect as a sewing box.

Now, not being a papercrafter (did I mention that) I used some fairly basic materials to  spruce it up a bit

storage box with craft supplies scissprs magents greaseproof hairclips
The paper was scrap from a craft magazine, and the rest of the materials are pretty basic

I was rather pleased with this ingenious use of fridge magnets and binding clips (actually hairclips):
two hairclips and two magnets secure the greaseproof paper to the patterned paper
I'm sure papercrafters have a slicker way...

 I traced the shape of the label i wanted to cover onto baking paper, and then used magnets and hairclips to "pin" the template to the patterned paper.
Et voila!
close up of strogage box showing label covered in patterned paper

plastic sewing box with tray removed to show storage space
The teal tray comes out too

And not content to stop there...
This box cost £8
plastic bath storage box for babies
DearWife was not oncvinced when I brought this home...

And with the addition of wrapping paper and felt letters makes a jolly, practical  storage box for boygoblin’s rapidly expanding stash of art and craft supplies.
baby bath box decorated to take chold's art supplies
Top view of art boc showing covered label
open art box overflowing with art supplies

(like mother, like son…)

Friday, 25 May 2012

Chasing rainbows

For the past four weeks my sewing studio has been out of bounds – first filled with houseguests, and then packed up for the painters, (neither DearWife nor me being the sort of domestic goddesses who relish redecorating, our response to chipped walls being “get the little men in!”)  and finally carefully dressed and posed for sales viewings.

Well, the men have been and gone, as have the estate agents. I spent most of last night reassembling the space the way I really like it, and rather a lot of time simply fondling my stash, if you know what I mean.

rainbow fabric squares laid out on grey backing fabric
Lovely rainbows

And all this led to me starting a bit of an impulsive project – a colour-sorting table mat for the BoyGoblin that I’ve had in mind for a while. Using spare charm squares from the Eye-spy quilt, and scrap batting too.

close up of matchbox F1 car on coloured fabric swatches. two other cars in the background.
Coloured cars waiting for their parking spaces

I’m using it to practice quilting freemotion quilting, and I am truly rubbish at it. I’ve stitched and unpicked so many times that the cotton is starting to look like tulle, and I have a pile of threads the size of a pelican’s nest on the sewing table. Arrgh! and those threads are getting everywhere! I noticed one caught in my stockings yesterday at work. Whoops!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Something from the archives

This must be one of the first thing I ever stitched, so it must be about 25 years old.
hand stitched needle book
Well worn
I think this is supposed to be flower, possibly as tulip? Snowdrop? I’m not sure whether I got the pattern wrong, or used weird colours (possibly both) but I don’t remember a time when I thought it looked pretty.
Not convinced about the red trim either.
inside of handmade needle book with needles
Delighfully wonky red stitching

I assume I was working with what was available – offcuts and scraps from my mums sewing room, and I do know cross-stitch patterns were nowhere near as available then as they are.
handmade needlebook open with needles
Some of these needles have been in here for years.

It's been in heavy use ever since, and had travelled halfway across the world, so I can’t hate it. 
close up cover handmade needle book interface aida fraying
Although I do think its time for a new one…

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Lesson learned!

Remember that slippy organza?

And my first failed french seam?

Well it's all come together in a "Sewing Solutions" article for Korbond.

Korbond are creating a sewing resource for the tips and techniques that loads of pattern-writers take for granted.

trimming seam allowance
Trimming the seam allowance - lesson learned!
 Like, or instance, sewing a french seam.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Fly away home

I found this on my autumn coat this week:

Crochet flower corsage
Simple little crochet corsage

It’s the very first thing I crocheted, at a course led by Catherine Hirst last year.

The first time I wore it a lady on the Tube kindly told me I had a bug on me.

 close up of ladybrid button on corchet corsage
Ladybird button

It’s not that realistic, though, is it?